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She Two Eyed Skipa Star
aka Opal
AQHA 4742217
Black 2005 Mare
Hypp n/n 15 hd.
Opal's Dam
(Temons Missy Mouse
AQHA # 3832558)
Opal's Sire
Skipin To The Stars
Great Grandsire
Ima Cool Skip
Great Grandsire
Skipa Star
Great Grand dam
Sweet Rosie Reed
This filly is Opal's 2010 foal she is a true jet black and white DNA tested,
click on picture to go to her page. also you can view her extended pedigree.
Skippin To The Stars is Opal's sire, click on picture to go to his web site. Or click HERE
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Picture taken in 2010
This mare is Opal's dam click on small picture to see enlarge
This mare has a very refined pretty head with the biggest doe eyes, she is 15hds tall hypp N/N
Foals out very easy and is a very good mother. This mare is Open.
You can walk up to her in the 7 Acre pasture, put her halter on and she will walk right off with you, will stand tied for hours, won't pull back, trailers great. She is not mare-ish get's along with other horses in her pasture. Opal is very sweet, kind and forgiving.
You can see Opal's sire Skip To The Stars click HERE
Click onto small pictures to see enlarge
This mare is Hypp n/n is 15 hd. tall and 1250 lbs.
Mr Black is the sire to the black and white filly.
Click onto the small pictures to see enlarge.
You can see by these pictures that Opal's related to some super great horses.
Opal's 2010 Black & White Filly

Update as of June 15 2011
The trainer is using natural horsemanship.
I am into week two of training. I have flagged, circled, and touched Opal all over her body. She drops her head when I apply pressure right behind her poll. Makes haltering/bridling so very easy.
She picks up all her feet and stands very quiet.
Today I asked Opal to walk between a barrel and the fence. I set the barrel very close to the fence. Opal looked closely at the space and walked very slowly and carefully through. Very nicely done.
We also walked over a mattress on the ground. Opal approached the mattress. I stepped onto it and bounced up and down. She watched me, looked at the mattress then put one foot onto it and pawed. It appeared she was bouncing too. She then very calmly walked over the mattress, all four feet and straight in the middle. She turned to me as to say "Well, now what?"
I have taught Opal to pony. She walked right beside me as though she has done ponying all her life.
Opal is very smart and very sensible. She does not panic and just needs time to think it through. She is also very gentle and really enjoys touch.
After the farrier appointment I will saddle train her. My goal is to pony her in the hills wearing a saddle, continue with fence training with the flag, If she continues at this speed I will probably be in the saddle by July.
Update 6/18/2011 Opal:
Today Opal hauled to a mounted shooting competition. She loaded perfectly into the trailer-even with all the barn buddies whinnying and calling to her.
She unloaded just as easily. I walked her around for a moment, then tied her to the trailer. She stood quietly next to a gelding the whole day.
When the gun fire started, Opal didn't flinch or jump. She watched the horses in the arena running and showed curiosity. She was calm,
no pawing, moving around or whinnying. She behaved just like a veteran show horse.
Trailering doesn't appear to stress Opal. She loads/unloads and is never sweaty.
Update 6/29/11
Today was Opals very first saddle experience. She behaved like a veteran. The pad didn't bother her, then I threw up the saddle. She never moved a muscle. Wrapped the breast collar, pulled the cinch, tightened the back cinch. She never moved. The saddle I use is a 45 lb roping saddle. The front and rear cinches are the widest made.
I walked her off, ready for an explosion, None came. I sent her around at a trot, nothing ever happened. I tightened the cinch one more time and sent her back out at the trot. perfect.
We then headed out from the barn for a tour of my neighborhood. She ponied again just like she's done it her whole life. On our walkabout we encountered, a crazy border collie running the fence full speed, children running up yelling "horsey,horsey", trash cans, a man driving his lawn mower, trash along fences and stuff blowing in the wind.
My aussie ran up behind Opal. She moved forward than looked behind her and saw it was my dog then settled right back down.
Opal moves along with her head very level. If she sees something she's not sure about, she wants to stand there and take a good look, then its done with. She actually behaved better than the horse I was riding!
We encountered some metal tin banging in the wind, Opal raised her head, but never moved her feet. My gelding snorted and moved side ways away from the banging noise, but Opal held her ground. She looked at my gelding like "Dude, really?? " She stood there getting a good look, dropped her head then off we went.
This weekend I will pony Opal up into the hills to get her exposure for trail riding. I will take her through, up and down. I like horses to know how to use their body's, know where their feet are and get comfortable carrying themselves before I step up into the saddle. She will wear her saddle while doing the hill work.

This picture is Opal with her foal, the foal is about 2 months old,, note the horse on the left is our stallion, he run's with the mares and foals out in the pasture.
Today I pulled Opal straight from her stall, to the trailer and threw on the saddle. I added the snaffle for the first time too. Walked her into the round pen and began to work. Opal never even attempted or thought about humping up or getting worked up into bucking.
She traveled the round pen with the stirrups banging into the fence and never even flinched.
I pulled her into the middle and worked on giving to the bit, flexing left/right and asked her to back up a step. She was very relaxed and picked up on the ques quickly. She was very soft and supple.
I then put weight in the stirrup and lifted up. I did not throw a leg over her, but stood there with my weight in the stirrup. I mounted on both sides. I even purposely poked her with my foot and all she did was move away. Nothing bothered her. I was very pleased.
I am hauling her out to some low hills tonight and will have her use her body, going up, going down, stepping over/through brush, jumping up little banks, jumping down. Trail riding 101 basics.

Today I loaded Opal in the trailer and headed out to the foothills for some riding. I ponied her. She carried her saddle and snaffle. We traveled up/down hills, walked through heavy brush, jumped up little embankments, saw lots of scary trash, lots of crows hopping along the ground. Opal took everything in stride.
Something that was new to her was there were four other horses in the group. One rider was rude and ran right up Opals hind end. She behaved nicely. She is never "marish". Never sqeals or gets busy getting into a dominance bitchy fit as so many mares do. She minds her own business.
It didnt bother her if the group trotted around us, passed us or if we lead the group or brought up drag.
I expect that Opal will make a very nice trail horse. She really "uses" her body well, She doesnt trip and gathers her self up going down. She looks where she is going. The group was amazed this was her first trip in the hills. They thought she had already been doing this because she traveled so well.
NEXT STEP- Getting mounted up on her and moving to the next level.

This weekend was a big one for Opal. I hauled into the hills again. She was ponied wearing her bridle and saddle. We rode for about 3 hours. Opal stepped out so big. She never lagged or dragged. She climed mountains like a goat. She rode through high brush, jumped up embankments.
After the ride I took her to the round pen. I mounted up and walked around the pen. She wasnt bothered by anything. I kicked her belly, dragged my leg over her rear end, bounced as I sat down, flapped my arms and legs. Perfect.
On Sunday I saddled,bridled and took her into my arean. Mounted right up and walked the arena. Opal flexed, and we circled, stopped. She is a very solid horse.
Opal is very smooth at the walk. I felt like I was floating. I am going to continue mounting up and working her in the arean. If she will continue at this rate, by the weekend I will ride her off my property I have that much confidence in her.

Update 7/12/11
Well Opal has four rides under saddle now. I take her straight from the stall, throw up the saddle, mount up and walk off. Some people came to see her last night and they were amazed at how calmly she walked off. (I wasn't). I rode her straight away from my trailer, over to the mattress on the ground and walked over it.
She is flexing and giving to the bit very nicely. She has a good stop and hasn't tried anything. No humping up, running away or any kind of avoidance.
When I rode her in my arena, there was a coffee cup and a soda can on the ground. Opal walked right over the top of the trash. She stepped squarely on the cup and it popped. She never flinched. We then played "kick the can" and having the can roll around under her feet with me in the saddle never bothered her.
On the weekend we will ride off my property and take a tour of the neighborhood. Opal rides very smoothly. It feels like I am floating. I believe she will make a very very nice strong trail horse. She is confident and very bold. She enjoys "being out".

Opals 2010 Black and White Filly
This mare has the most beautiful head
you will see on a mare.
I used to own Opals sire and dam, I bred for Opal, she was everything I ever wanted!

Update 7/18/11
I have not worked Opal much due to a change of my work scheduale. The owner requested pictures of me working Opal under saddle.
On this date, I pulled Opal from the stall, threw on the saddle, mounted up, walked off and straight over to the mattress. No lunging, bucking out, carrying zip...
This mare is one of the most honest,hard working horses I have ever thrown a leg over. In a trainers career of training, you almost always have "the memorible horses" whether good,bad or really rotton.. Opal will be one of the great ones that I have had the pleasure of working. I really do pray she will go to a great home with somebody who will appreciate her kindness and willingess. She really wants to please and has never refused anything I have thrown her way.
My daughter who is 17 yo really loves Opal. She has led her from the stall, groomed Opal and wanted to know when she could get up on her next. If my daughter had a helmet that fits I would have let her mount up this day we took pictures. I truley have this much confidence in this mare.

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